How to Get Your WordPress Site Into Google Discover

What Is Google Discover, And Why Is It Important?

Google Discover is a personalized content feed designed by Google to provide users with a curated selection of articles, videos, and other content based on their interests and browsing habits. Launched as an evolution of Google Feed, Discover aims to enhance the user experience by delivering relevant and engaging content directly to users’ mobile devices. This feature is available on the Google app for both Android and iOS devices, as well as on the mobile version of the Google homepage.

How Google Discover Works

Google Discover leverages advanced machine learning algorithms and data from users’ search history, location, and activity across various Google services to understand their preferences and interests. Based on this data, Google Discover curates a feed that includes:

  • News Articles: Up-to-date news stories from reputable sources.
  • Videos: Engaging and relevant videos from platforms like YouTube.
  • Blog Posts: Articles from blogs and websites that align with user interests.
  • Local Information: Updates and information relevant to the user’s location.
  • Other Content: Recipes, sports scores, entertainment updates, and more.

Users can further customize their feed by selecting topics they are interested in, following specific sources, or hiding content they find irrelevant.

Key Features of Google Discover

  1. Personalization: Discover provides a tailored content experience based on individual preferences and behavior.
  2. Diverse Content: The feed includes a mix of articles, videos, and other media types.
  3. Topic Cards: Users can explore specific topics in-depth through topic cards, which aggregate content around a particular subject.
  4. Continuous Learning: The algorithm continuously learns from user interactions to improve the relevance of the content shown.
  5. User Control: Users have the ability to manage their interests, follow or unfollow topics, and provide feedback on the content they see.

Importance of Google Discover

For Users

  1. Convenience: Discover offers a convenient way for users to stay informed about topics they care about without actively searching for information.
  2. Personalization: The feed adapts to users’ interests, providing a more personalized browsing experience.
  3. Diverse Content: Users can access a wide range of content from various sources, all in one place.
  4. Time-Saving: By curating relevant content, Discover helps users save time they would otherwise spend searching for news and information.

For Content Creators and Marketers

  1. Increased Visibility: Google Discover can significantly boost the visibility of content by presenting it to users who are likely to find it relevant and engaging.
  2. Higher Engagement: Personalized content is more likely to attract user interest, leading to higher engagement rates.
  3. Traffic Generation: Discover can drive substantial traffic to websites, especially if the content resonates well with the target audience.
  4. Brand Awareness: Being featured in Google Discover can enhance brand recognition and credibility.

Optimizing Content for Google Discover

To take full advantage of the opportunities presented by Google Discover, content creators and marketers should focus on several key optimization strategies:

  1. High-Quality Content: Ensure that content is well-written, informative, and engaging. High-quality content is more likely to be featured in Discover.
  2. Visual Appeal: Use high-quality images and videos. Visual content is a crucial component of the Discover feed.
  3. Relevance: Create content that aligns with current trends and user interests. Regularly update content to maintain relevance.
  4. SEO Best Practices: Optimize content for search engines, including proper use of keywords, meta descriptions, and structured data.
  5. Mobile-Friendliness: Ensure that content is mobile-friendly, as Discover is primarily accessed on mobile devices.
  6. Engagement Signals: Encourage user engagement through social sharing, comments, and likes, as these signals can influence Discover rankings.

Challenges and Considerations

While Google Discover offers many benefits, there are also challenges and considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Algorithm Changes: As with any algorithm-driven platform, changes to the Discover algorithm can impact content visibility.
  2. Competition: The personalized nature of Discover means that content competes for attention with other high-quality pieces.
  3. Unpredictability: The criteria for what gets featured in Discover can be unpredictable, making it difficult to rely solely on this channel for traffic.
  4. Privacy Concerns: Users may have concerns about the data collection practices used to personalize their feeds.

Getting your WordPress site featured in Google Discover can significantly boost your website’s visibility and traffic. Google Discover is a personalized content feed available on mobile devices that shows articles, videos, and other content based on users’ interests. Here are the steps and best practices to help your WordPress site get featured in Google Discover:

Getting Your WordPress Site into Google Discover

  1. Optimize Content Quality

Create High-Quality Content

  • Originality: Write unique and valuable content. Avoid duplicating existing content and focus on providing new insights or information.
  • Relevance: Ensure your content is timely and relevant to your audience’s interests. Topics should align with current trends or evergreen subjects that consistently attract interest.
  • Engagement: Use engaging headlines that entice readers to click. Utilize storytelling techniques, listicles, how-tos, and other formats that keep readers interested. Integrate multimedia elements like images, videos, infographics, and interactive content to enhance user engagement.

Focus on E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)

  • Author Bios: Add detailed author bios to your posts, showcasing their credentials and expertise. This builds trust with your audience and Google.
  • Citations: Cite authoritative sources and link to credible websites to back up your claims.
  • Transparency: Clearly disclose your sources, methods, and any potential conflicts of interest.
  1. Use High-Quality Images and Videos

Image Optimization

  • Size and Quality: Use high-resolution images with a minimum width of 1200px. Ensure images are sharp and visually appealing.
  • Alt Text: Include descriptive alt text for all images to improve accessibility and SEO.
  • Formats: Use appropriate formats such as JPEG for photos and PNG for graphics with transparency. WebP format can be used for faster loading times.

Video Content

  • Embed Videos: Integrate relevant videos within your articles to provide additional value.
  • Thumbnails: Use compelling video thumbnails to attract clicks. Thumbnails should be high-quality and representative of the video content.
  1. Improve Mobile Usability

Responsive Design

  • Ensure your website uses a responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes. This can be achieved by using a mobile-friendly WordPress theme.
  • Test your site’s mobile-friendliness using Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test tool. Address any issues that may arise.

Page Speed

  • Optimize Images: Compress images without losing quality and use lazy loading to improve page load times.
  • Minimize CSS and JavaScript: Reduce the size of your CSS and JavaScript files by minifying them.
  • Caching and CDN: Implement caching and use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to speed up content delivery to users globally.
  1. Follow Google’s Content Policies
  • Ad Policy: Ensure that ads do not disrupt the user experience. Avoid excessive or intrusive ads.
  • Content Policy: Adhere to Google’s content policies by avoiding clickbait headlines and misleading content. Ensure your content is accurate, trustworthy, and provides value to readers.
  1. Use Structured Data

Schema Markup

  • Implement structured data ( to help Google understand your content better. Use relevant schema types such as:
    • Article: For general articles.
    • BlogPosting: For blog posts.
    • NewsArticle: For news-related content.
  • Use a WordPress plugin like Yoast SEO or Schema Pro to add structured data to your site.
  1. Promote Engagement

Social Media Sharing

  • Encourage users to share your content on social media platforms. Use social sharing buttons and engage with your audience on social media to boost visibility.
  • Promote your articles on your social media channels to drive traffic and engagement.

User Interaction

  • Enable comments on your posts and actively engage with your audience by responding to comments.
  • Include interactive elements like polls, quizzes, and discussion forums to increase user interaction.
  1. Regularly Update Content
  • Content Freshness: Regularly update older posts with new information, images, and insights to keep them relevant.
  • Historical Content: Refresh high-performing older content to maintain its relevance and improve its chances of being featured.
  1. Use Google Search Console

Monitor Performance

  • Regularly check Google Search Console for insights into your site’s performance, indexing status, and any issues that need addressing.
  • Monitor your site’s appearance in Google Discover reports within Search Console.

Submit Sitemaps

  • Ensure your XML sitemap is up-to-date and submit it to Google Search Console to help Google crawl and index your site more efficiently.
  1. Optimize for SEO

Keyword Research

  • Conduct thorough keyword research to understand what your audience is searching for. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs.
  • Naturally incorporate relevant keywords into your content without keyword stuffing.

Meta Tags

  • Optimize your title tags and meta descriptions to improve click-through rates from search results.
  • Use relevant headings (H1, H2, H3) to structure your content, making it easier for both users and search engines to understand.


By focusing on high-quality content, adhering to Google’s best practices, and regularly monitoring your site’s performance, you can increase the likelihood of your WordPress site being featured in Google Discover. Stay updated with Google’s guidelines and algorithm changes to maintain and improve your site’s visibility in this valuable content feed.

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