What Are the Principles of Information Technology?

If you teach business education in Texas, chances are good you’ll be assigned to teach Principles of Information Technology course. Meeting all Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills requirements (TEKS) for this class is critical in making sure students achieve success.

But, what exactly does a Principles of IT course entail and how can you meet TEKS standards?

In this article, you’ll gain an understanding of what to expect when teaching Principles of Information Technology courses as well as which TEKS knowledge and skill statements must be met in teaching these subjects.

What Are the Basic Principles of Information Technology Course?

Principles of Information Technology is an introductory business and computer science course offered in Texas to students between grades 9-10.

This course helps learners build essential computer literacy and new technology skills necessary for succeeding in today’s workplaces.

As well as imparting technological know-how, this course equips students with essential career-ready abilities such as communication, reading and writing comprehension and critical reasoning.

Underneath we will discuss the standards for Principles of Information Technology to give your students every possible edge for academic success.

What Are the Fundamental Principles of Information Technology TEKS?

TEKS stands for Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills and includes both broad criteria referred to as knowledge statements as well as narrower skills statements for teachers in Texas classrooms.

Teachers pursuing Principles of Information Technology must satisfy 13 TEKS criteria to pass.

Professional Standards and Employability Skills

Employment Opportunities, Evolving and Emerging Technologies, Hardware Components,Software Network Systems, Word Processing Technology (WPT), Spreadsheet Techology (SPTK), Programming Concepts, Database Technologies (DBTs), Presentation Management Technologies, Design Techniques as well as Legal and Ethical Procedures are some key points.

Course Standard 1: Professional Standards and Employability Skills

For their initial knowledge statement, students must demonstrate they possess both professional standards as well as employability skills necessary for professional practice and employment. Students need to show these particular qualities:

Establish and demonstrate work behaviors and qualities that promote employability and job advancement, including regular attendance, attention to appropriate attire, creating and maintaining a safe working environment, showing pride in work done well, adaptability, flexibility and initiative.

Utilise effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills; effectively read and write; problem-solve and think critically, demonstrate leadership capabilities while functioning successfully as team member

Establish and implement appropriate safety procedures; demonstrate planning and time-management abilities such as storyboarding; project management includes initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling projects to their completion; as well as closing them

Course Standard 2: Employment Options

In order for students to fully explore their professional options in information technology careers, students should gain an in-depth knowledge of employment prospects related to it. In accordance with this standard they are:

Locate job openings with their respective duties and tasks; research careers of personal interest to them as well as education requirements to reach personal career goals; outline functions of resumes/portfolios

An initial career search will help students better understand the opportunities available within IT and whether these jobs would fit within their interests and pursue.

Course Standard 3: Evolving and Emerging Technologies

To successfully meet this knowledge statement, learners must demonstrate they can effectively exchange information using evolving and emerging technologies. Students should:

Recognizing and describing functions of various evolving and emerging technologies. Moving text information via electronic methods such as email, electronic bulletin boards and instant message services to one or more electronic platforms such as emails.

Display effective Internet search strategies using keywords and Boolean logic using various available search engines; identify components of an Uniform Resource Locator
Submit evidence of their ability to effectively test information obtained from the Internet for accuracy, relevance, and validity; explain issues regarding computer-based threats such as viruses, malware and hacking;

Explain issues related to Internet safety such as identity theft, online predators, cyberbullying and phishing to ensure students are equipped to work in our rapidly transforming society.

Course Standard 4: Hardware Components Information technology involves dealing with physical components. Students should demonstrate their knowledge by:

Locating and understanding major hardware components and their functions; utilising available reference tools as applicable; connecting and using peripheral devices like mice, keyboards, microphones, digital cameras and printers.

Knowledge of basic computer hardware ensures learners can work successfully in most computer-based occupations.

Course Standard 5: Software Students working on computers will encounter many software applications. To succeed at using them effectively, learners will need to recognize what makes each one special as well as ways to troubleshoot when problems arise. More specifically, learners will need to:

Deliberate between systems and application software. Explain and identify major operating system fundamentals and components like disk operations, GUI components and drivers as well as file types across software products.

Provide evidence of proficiency using computer numbering systems and internal data representation methods (i.e. identifying hexadecimal values of colors); contrast open source software against proprietary alternatives; explain system management tools’ uses.
Proper file management techniques such as creating, naming, organizing, copying, moving and deleting files should be employed when protecting and managing them on computer systems. Also cover how viruses are detected, quarantined and eliminated from PC systems.

Once they can successfully use basic applications, learners will be prepared for more intricate IT-based work.

Course Standard 6: Network Systems

This knowledge statement seeks to assess students’ understanding of network systems. To satisfy it, students must:

Recognize hardware associated with telecom and data networking such as servers, routers, switches and network connectors (servers, routers, switches) whilst simultaneously identifying various networks such as peer-to-peer (P2P), local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN) wireless ethernet whilst outlining functions of network operating systems

Understanding network systems will equip students to move beyond working on individual computers towards managing networks as information technologists.

Word Processing Technology

Students will demonstrate their competence with word processing by:

Establishing knowledge of word processing software. Editing different text documents using functions such as pagination, appropriate white space settings, tab settings and font style size/color settings.

Writing professional documents like memoranda, technical manuals or proposals requires advanced word processing features to produce successful documents.

Learners proficient with word processing applications such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs will have an edge when seeking employment in business and technology occupations.

Course Standard 8: Spreadsheet Technology [pdf]

Spreadsheet technology is integral for working effectively in digital environments and for meeting this standard; students need to:

Create spreadsheet software-related documents like budget, payroll, statistical tables and personal checkbook registers using student-created and preprogrammed functions that produce such things as budget, payroll and statistical tables.

Create and analyze spreadsheets incorporating advanced features such as lookup tables, nested IF statements, subtotals, cell protection conditional formatting charts and graphs
Students proficient at sorting, searching and data filtering in documents with spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets will be exceptionally well suited for careers in finance, accounting and other business-oriented jobs.

Course Standard 9: Computer Programming Concepts

To become successful IT specialists, proficiency with computer programming skills is indispensable. For this course standard, students are expected to demonstrate these programming abilities:

Comprehender and interpreters (compilers/interpreters), their function, difference between operation of both (compiler/interpreter), as well as various computer languages used for software development are described and explained here.

Recognizing data representation in software development such as strings, numerics, characters, integers and dates. Understand and explain algorithms by creating structured flowcharts describing structured algorithm flows with linear and iterative instructions such as linear or iterative instructions using flow charts as examples of what to include when building their codebases.

Once students gain the fundamentals of computer programming, they’ll be equipped to explore more advanced programming in later courses or at postsecondary institutions.

Course Standard 10: Database Technology To fulfill this TEKS standard, students need to demonstrate expertise with databases by:

Explore the applications and terminology related to databases; recognize its functions; explore its use; understand their application; identify query languages as tools of inquiry and the elements required; define fields and records as terms used within them, etc
Students able to use databases like Microsoft Access will be better prepared to manage records and data as employees in industry.

Course Standard 11: Presentation Management Technology

Presenting software has become an indispensable element of business and IT careers, so students must demonstrate their competence with presentation management technology by:

Discover and understand the terminology and functions of presentation software; develop, save, edit and produce presentations using advanced features like links, hyperlinks, audio and graphics

Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides will put learners on a fast track to success at both school presentations and business meetings alike.

Course Standard 12: Design and Web Publishing Techniques

Page design and publishing techniques are key aspects of working in information technology, so students will need to engage in these practices as part of fulfilling this TEKS requirement. In order to meet its criteria, they will need:

Acknowledging terminology associated with web page development and interactive media; Recognizing and discussing design elements including typefaces, colors, shapes, textures, spaces and forms as well as design principles like unity harmony balance scale contrast
Recognizing and explaining basic elements of Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), such as tags, stylesheets and hyperlinks; creating web pages consisting of links, graphics and text with appropriate design principles for all pages created

Students who learn basic design, coding and web publishing principles will be better equipped for web manager roles with future employers.

Course Standard 13: Legal and Ethical Procedures

Finally, students need to understand the legal and ethical considerations involved with working with information technology.

Explain and demonstrate ethical use of technology and online resources; follow intellectual property laws including copyright, trademarks and patents as well as their consequences of violation; examine plagiarism as an ethical violation and its possible effects;

Unfair practices such as hacking, online piracy and data vandalism must be recognized and explained to stakeholders in an ethical manner.

Students should demonstrate ethical use of online resources, including proper citation of source. When students understand how to legally utilize data, information, and digital assets they’ll be well equipped for being ethical employees in business or industry environments.

Align Your Curriculum With Your TEKS Requirements

Principles of Information Technology is an ideal first CTE course to help prepare students pursuing business or computer science-related careers.

By following TEKS guidelines, students can develop vital skills they’ll use throughout high school and beyond.

But how can you ensure your instruction matches up with standards? One solution would be implementing an all-encompassing curriculum system which meets TEKS requirements.

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